Perio in Bayswater | For Keeping Gums and Teeth Healthy

If you are experiencing gum disease or other oral problems, our Perio in Bayswater is a great place to get help. They treat a variety of conditions that can affect your teeth and bones. We have periodontists at Queensway Dental Practice specializing in treating gum disease and can recognize and address early signs before it progresses to more severe conditions.

Complete Inspection and Examinations of Gums and Teeth

To determine the level of gum disease, our periodontist will inspect the gums and teeth to detect any problems. Our periodontist in Bayswater will look for loose teeth, a bad bite, and signs of gum recession. We may use a probe to measure the depth of the periodontal pockets. An x-ray will be required to confirm a periodontal problem in some cases.

Our periodontists also use surgical treatment to access hard-to-reach areas of the roots and for resistant areas to other treatment methods. Our Periodontist performs various procedures, some of which are considered cosmetic procedures. They help restore a person’s gum health and replace missing teeth. 

Specialists to Treat Teeth and Gum Diseases

Grafting tissue to replace lost gum tissue is another method. This treatment, which is a typical cause of receding gums, uses the roof of the mouth as a donor. Our periodontists perform one of these treatments to make a patient’s smile appear its best. Our Periodontist in Bayswater at Queensway Dental practice evaluates the patient’s gums to see if they are healthy and any signs of gum disease. Gum disease occurs when the gum tissue becomes infected with plaque-forming bacteria. These bacteria spread below the gum line, leading to inflammation and infection.

Our periodontist will also check for loose teeth or a bad bite. In severe cases, gum surgery may be necessary to repair the disease and restore the health of the periodontium. We have a periodontist who specializes in treating gum diseases. In addition to treating gum disease, periodontists also specialize in performing oral surgery. 

Help Maintain Natural Teeth

Our periodontists at Queensway Dental Practice also repair teeth, restore gum health, and improve the appearance of a smile. These procedures can improve the quality of a patient’s smile. They can also help maintain their natural teeth for a longer timeframe. In addition to performing routine dental procedures, our periodontist also performs cosmetic dental procedures. 

For example, a periodontist can perform a gum graft to restore a patient’s lost gum tissue. The grafting procedure involves removing a flap of nearby gum tissue. Afterward, the gum tissues are moved back to their original position. Our periodontist will also perform dental implant surgeries.

Surgical Procedures

We provide diagnosis and treatment for gum conditions, such as periodontitis, and they may also recommend surgical procedures to fix damaged gums. Patients with periodontal disease may require surgeries or even bone grafting. Our periodontist will also recommend a course of treatment based on the severity of the disease. 

If you are looking for Perio in Bayswater, Queensway Dental Practice is the right place.