Root Canal Treatment in Bayswater | Safe, Quick and Painless

When you start experiencing relatively abnormal sensitivity in your teeth after consuming hot or cold foods, or when you feel like your gums are swollen, that is the time you check in with your dental physician. Chances are quite high that you might need a root canal treatment to be rid of the pain and stop the infection before it spreads even further. And, if you are in the area, Queensway Dental Practice is offering root canal treatment in Bayswater.

In addition, our dental physicians at the clinic always strive to keep our patients comfortable before, during, and after a procedure. During consultations, they are patient, detailed, and thorough in answering all of your questions and queries. 

Treatment Plan

While there are assumptions that a root canal treatment is an extensive, incredibly invasive dental procedure and painful treatment, in actuality it is quite efficiently done and is painless due to the administration of anesthesia. And as far as the treatment plan goes, due to the severity of the dental health issue, performing a root canal is beneficial for the overall dental health of a patient in the long run.

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure in which the tissue pulp (dentine) is removed from the base of the tooth because of the dental infection which is causing the pain in the first place. When the tissue pulp is removed, the dental physician cleanses the area, disinfects it, and removes those root nerves which are a pain point. This also eliminates any chance of possible sensitivity. Then a gutta-percha, which is a dental material, is inserted in the open space for the primary purpose of bone loss prevention. 

When all of that is done, a temporary filling is positioned before finally placing a permanent crown. And, with this, the procedure is complete. The time taken to complete this treatment is either 30 minutes or 45 minutes – the assessment of the dental health of the patient determines whether more time will be taken or less. The more infection spread, the more time will be taken to remove the infection. As far as the recovery time is concerned, it takes about a week.

If you decide to get a root canal treatment in Bayswater from our clinic, Queensway Dental Practice, then the post-op guidelines given to you by our dental physician will be beneficial to you. It is important that you follow the advice for the betterment of your dental hygiene and to be pain-free. After all, taking care of your dental health post-treatment is as important as keeping track of your annual dental check-up.